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Five Days to Focused Cornell Notes Pilot

Goal: To begin the pilot process.

Action Steps:

  1. Secure teachers at the elementary, middle and high school levels to pilot the videos.

  2. Meet with Piloting teachers.

  3. Explain the Piloting process.

  4. Be available for questions and feedback.


Choosing to pilot these videos meant added work for any teacher who I would be to convince to help me out. Teachers have to give surveys and grade Cornell notes. It is not an easy task and I was very worried that I would not find teachers who wanted to commit to doing the pilot process for me, but thankfully I was very wrong. I really believe it was my ability to inspire a shared vision in the people I approached that made them so willing to participate in the pilot process. The first teachers that I approached were the history teachers on the IB track at my school. When I did the initial training I did not train their students. They were very excited to use the videos as a tool to train their students in the process.

Next I sought help from one of my AVID coordinators whose school has AVID elementary and the intermediate AVID program. The teachers at this school already had a positive attitude about the videos because my videographer is also a teacher there and he had nothing but positive things to say about the videos to his team. They are very eager to start the piloting process and I should be meeting with them early in February.

Sometimes it comes down to being in the right place at the right time. I was having a difficult time trying to find a high school to pilot the videos. But as luck would have it, I was sitting across the table from a high school AVID coordinator at a tutor training and I overheard her talking to her tutor about the inadequate quality of her students' Focused Cornell Notes. She was saying that she wished they knew how to do them better and I just swooped in. I told her about the project, videos and my vision and she was sold. I met with her two days later and she and another teacher at their high school will be using the videos. It was just a lucky coincidence that I was sitting next to her!

So far the feedback I have been hearing from the piloting teachers is positive. I am excited to start getting the surveys and Focused Cornell notes back to start compiling my data.

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