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Adding the Final Details

Goal: To finish the pilot process and start assembling the pieces for the capstone presentation.

Action Steps:

  1. Collect Data from pilot schools.

  2. Continue trying to get approval from AVID to host the videos on their website.

  3. Present the videos to the middle school principals in order to roll out for the 2015-2016 school year.

  4. Fine-tune my ePortfolio.

  5. Begin creating my capstone presentation PowerPoint.


Collecting data from the pilot teachers has been slow going to say the least. I have only received completed pre- and post-tests from one teacher. I have to be patient and trust that these teachers will return the information to me as soon as they can but I am really anxious to start inputting the data and start compiling my evidence of success. I feel that this part of the process really requires me to use TLMS 5.2 because I am collaborating with these colleagues in implementing, scoring and interpretation of this student data.

Unfortunately I still have not heard back from AVID center regarding the videos. The California director had me contact the head of curriculum and although he said he would take a look at them and get back to me within a week it has been over a month and I haven't heard anything. I have called and sent several "checking in" emails, but still no word. I am still optimistic that AVID will add them to their site once someone has the time to look them over.

My principal has agreed to present the project at the next middle school principal's meeting. I am putting together a short presentation and luckily the videographer was able to help me create a short montage of all five days of videos to highlight some of the key pieces. After she presents it I will be sending out a short interest survey using Google Drive.

And then it will all be about fine tuning everything. This has been an amazing journey. I can not believe it is almost at an end.

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